Dear All of You,
Every day, from any year, is a perfect day to welcome as a Happy New Day!
Every day, from any year, is a perfect day to welcome as a Happy New Day!
Why should we wait about 365 days before we wish each other, in whatever way, a prosperous year.
For many years already I have the habit to wish myself and others, in different ways, a Happy New Day.
I also close every Happy New Day with a word or a sign of Gratefulness.
I can recommand you all to start and end every Happy New Day with a ritual in wich Loving Joy wishes and Gratitude have a central place.
It will also amaze you how much rewarding results show up because of this, seemingly too simple, rituals.
Good Luck with it during every Happy New Day wich follows this Happy New Day.
For now and later I do wish each of You loads of Love and Laughter!
Gerda Maria
Love-Laugh Lifestyle promotor
That's a different way of thinking. I like it! 😁