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Saturday, 14 November 2015

My message to the World!

Dear You,

My Heart is my Bible of Universal wisdom,
My Smile is my random Master key,
My Love is my Magical transformator,
and toghether...
they are my silent but clear understandable messenger to inform the whole world (including the devil) that nothing and no one can ever destroy the World and his beings as long...

minimum one human being is able to Live with a Smile that opens any Heart from wich pure Love will non-verbal inform the whole World, that we may have Faith in the rewarding transformation Power of "Breathing wit a Smile while having pure Love intentions for All beings anywhere."

This is how I deal with whatever keeps me away from feeling or activating pure Love intentions for what is the way it is.

This is my message to All beings in the whole wide World.

This is my way to say in a very gentle way f*ck You to the devil and whatever or whoever that try to keep me away of acting as a true Loving being ;-)

Many Thanks for being there the way You are, All of You!

Take care and feel blessed, All of You!

With Love and Laughter from

Gerda Maria 

xxx xxx xxx



Sunday, 8 November 2015

Smile and Breathe pure Love! . . . . . . . . . . it rewards more then You can imagine

Dear All of You...

Stay by the basic lessons of Life will You ;-)

They (whoever they are) only can control us when we allow them to do...

After all
there is only one that control us all...
And that one gave us all the skills and all the power we need to protect ourselves for whatever or whoever at any time, in any situation or at any place.

Here we go...

Just keep on focused that YOU are in charge of Your energy field and make sure that YOU fill Your field with the essences of pure Love...

Do every day again this exercises:

Smile, Breathe and...
Feel Love
Think Love
Sing Love
Dance Love
Drink Love
Eat Love
Talk Love
Act Love
Walk Love
till pure LOVE is the main substance of Your aware and unaware being.

Pure LOVE is the most powerful entity on Earth!

Nobody and nothing can beat the Power of pure LOVE, 
nobody and nothing shall or can ever succeed in that!

Pure LOVE is the most powerful, the most protective and the most rewarding investment You can give to Yourselves and others...

Why Smiling?
The Smile is one of the most compatible keys that opens the main gate to the main source of pure Love.

Why Breathing more aware?
Our Breathe is the transporter of all the transformation powers we activate aware and unaware.
Because we did en do transport more often what we actually don't want we become a lot of what we actually don't want.
By full aware breathing what we really want we give more power to realize what we want.

For those who maybe think that they can breathe then more hate or destruction for others I have a gentle warning ;-)

Also that what You wish or breathe for others is that what will return, one way or another, to You.

After all, only the power of pure Love is able to keep Yourself and All of us out of trouble.

Think more then once about this till You realize this is so true that there is nothing but nothing to worry about as long WE stay focused on activating pure LOVE for what is the way it is...

Good Luck with this amazing experiment, All of You!

With Love and Laughter from me tot All of You!
Gerda Maria

xxx xxx xxx



Saturday, 19 September 2015

I will

Dear You,

I'll Always find a reason or a way to Love You!
Always and no matter what
in the purest way possible for a human being!

From me to You with pure Love from Heart to Heart

Gerda Maria



Friday, 21 August 2015

Oh my God!

Oh my God

I tickle you where you're most susceptible ...
I speak to you with words that testify to profound Respect ....
I touch you with hands that recognize the language of pure Love ...
I look at you in a way that makes you shine of immeasurable Happiness ...
I think of you with twinkles in my eyes ...

many are only able to guess ...

but you and I really know why!

G. Maria .X  05/08/2015



Monday, 13 July 2015

About Communication

Dear You,

As far as I've experienced...

There is nothing but communication.

Even when there is silence, there is communication.
Even when You think there is nothing, there is communication. 
Even in the vacuum, there is communication.
Even when You sleep, there is communication.
Even when You die, there is communication.
Even when You decide not to communicate anymore, there is communication.

As far as I've experienced...

There is the verbal communication and the non-verbal communication.There is the communication You/We recognize as communication and there is the (Triple I) or the Invisible Information Interaction we often not recognized as a communication system.

As far as I've experienced...

We underestimate the powerful efficiƫncy of the "Triple I" system and/or the non-verbal communication system.

Therefore we do not realize that we and nobody else cause errors/conflicts of any kind in our lives and Life in General.

As far as I've experienced...

The more compatible the verbal communication is with the non-verbal communication ("Triple I" = what You really feels and think) the cleaner the Communication Channels are between Yourself and whatever or whoever.

As far as I've experienced...
The more honnest You are, the more compatible You are with the Universal Communication System and therefore the correcter You can pick up and/or translate the unspoken thoughts/intentions of anybody else.

As far as I've experienced...

The more honest You are the less conflicts You cause in our General Communication System and therefore the Easier, Healthier and Wealthier Your Life will be experienced.

It's up to You to make time to find out the soft way what honesty brings or to let Life bring You the answers by tough experiences.

It's up to You to believe this or not.

It's up to You.
It's up to Me.
It's up to Us.

Whatever choice You make,
 at sudden point/moment there is no way to escape from the truth anymore.

And once You've reached that point there is no point of discussion anymore

an amazing liberating experience of discharge takes over any control we ever thought we had. Once You've been in that position, You want to experience it again and again and again. 

And why would anybody let go the control of his own rational way of communicate?
Just because.
Because there are hardly words to describe what's happening once You Trust 100% and let go!

Then the communication goes on at a Frequency or Level that we can't reach or discribe by rational thinking. It goes beyond any rational or any other 5 senses imaginiation.

As far as I've experienced...

It's word to go that far.
It's word to grant Yourself with this experience.
It's word to find out that there is soooo much more to reach beyond the verbal and non-verbal communication systems we already know and/or we've already tested.

I do wish You all many many of this liberating and all-inclusive rewarding experiences.

Thanks for being there the way You are.
Thanks for sharing the way You share.
Thanks for communicating the way You did, do and shall do.
Because of You I've learned to be a more Honnest, more Grateful and more pure Loving human being.

With loads of Love, Respect and Joy from me to All of You!

Gerda Maria



Wednesday, 24 June 2015

With the permission of God!

Dear You,

I'd like to share this text with You because it makes me aware of the Magic of Life.
After reading or remembering this words I relativate myself and my situation much more easy.
And therefore it makes me always Happy ;-)

With the permission of God...

I drive regulary spot
with myself and all those
that want the World recompose...

With the permission of God!

This text I wanted to share with you and I hope it inspires you to relativate yourself, others and everything wath is the way it is. 
With Humor we can place anything into a perspective that brings us more Liberation, Joy, Health and Wealth of any kind!

With loads of Love, Light & Laughter from me

Gerda Maria



Saturday, 3 January 2015

Dare to Love!

Dear You,

We All know how important it is to share Love and to be Loved.
We All know how important it is to feel Happiness and how important it is to be surrounded by Happy people.
And although we know, we often forget or we often refuse to practice our own wisdom or knowlegde.
Without realizing we judge or envy others the vibes of Love, Laughter and Happiness.
Therefore we bring a delay on the many different comback-manifestations of Love, Laughter and Happiness for ourselves.
And again therefore it will become harder and harder to Love, Laugh & Enjoy, no matter what.

At sudden moments or in sudden situations also I forget to Love & Laugh, no matter what, and therefore I do remember myself the Basic lessons for a Wealthy and Healthy Life by writing this blog.
At he same time I hope to inspire You to do the same.

In december 2010 I wrote the next quote in a small book.

Its Easy to Love something what fit in Your case or...
to Love somebody who Carries Your Case


It is a Great Art to still Love something what interrupt (one way or another) the possibility to close Your Case
to still Love somebody who destroys (one way or another) Your Case comlpletely.

Today I'm still convinced that, for our own and our common Wealth & Health, we should activate full aware loads of intentions of pure Love for every single part of Life, no matter what.

I do wish myself and All of You the Power and the High Willingness to Love & Enjoy Yourself and Eachother, no matter what!

Thanks for being part of my challenge on planet Earth!
Thanks for what or who You manifest!
Thanks for letting me be the the Love-Laugh Believer I always wanted to be! 

Lets Smile, Breath & Love till the whole World is following this example!
Every Day again and again and again...

For Now & Ever, Loads of Love and Laugh vibes from me.

Gerda Maria Hendrickx

