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Wednesday, 23 July 2014

The Power of Love makes You Laugh ánd makes You Rich on any Life level!

Dear You,

Whatever You Believe or not Believe will/shall transform in what You experience as Your Reality.

The initial Power and/our the specific Manifestation-codes of what You Believe will/shall transform in what You experience as Your Reality.

With other words, the lack of Believe in something or in whatever will/shall transform in a lack of having that specific manifestation of what You do not Believe in.

Often we do not realise that we are afraid to Believe in sudden wanted results for us. Being afraid has the same not-happening-as-You-want effect as not Believing.

So dare to be a fearless Loving believer and You shall Laugh.
And the more You Laugh the more You dare to believe in what before seemded to be impossible for You.
And the more You believe in the fact that miracles can happen, the more miracles that actual will happen.

The more You Enjoy Life the way it is and the more honnest You can wish All the others the very very Best, the more easy it will be to make any of Your dreams come true.

It is realy amazing how we can change our Reality by 'just' changing our mental positions ánd...
by sharing our mental, physical and financial Richdom with others.
There is enough Richdom of any kind for All of us.
As long as You can keep Yourself in the mental position of "Love & Joy" You will notice this trueth very easy.

So lets go togheter "the All including Rich-Way"!!!

Loads of Love & Laugh vibes are available for all of Us:
Feel them!
Breath them!
Feed them with Joy and Passion!
Spread them with Passion and Love!

So do I as long as needed!!!

Thank You All for the uncountable Amazing Experiences in my Life.
I wish You All the most exiting transformations of any kind.

Gerda Maria



Listen to messages of other Happy believers:

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Keep it Simple: Just Smile & Breath!

Dear You,

The experience of a Happy, Healthy, Wealthy and/or Succesful Life is based op simply rules and also based on simply basic actions or moves.

Do the Test every Day more then once and convince Yourself!

Smile & Breath and You shall Love!
Love & Breath and You shall Smile!
Smile, Breath & Love and...

You shall experience Miracles of any kind!

For All of You:
Live a long and a powerful durable Happy & Healthy Life with this simple but efficiënt Love-Laugh Lifestyle instructions.

Thanks to All of You!
also Thanks to the sad or serious looking non-Smilers because they make it possible that we Smilers can show and experience, more pure and more clear, the amazing liberating effects of Smile, Breath & Love moves/actions ;-) ;-)

Lots of Love Succes en a Very Very Big Smile from me

Gerda Maria

