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Tuesday, 10 June 2014

The constant Frequencies and Consequences of Intentions

 Dear You,

This article is a response to what is written on the following site:

Dear Pao L. Chang,

Thanks for sharing Your vision on frequency.

I do believe that every frequency will/shall heal us from the moment WE activate, with our aware and unaware intentions, the frequency of pure Love fore whatever is the way it is.

From the moment we hesitate, judge or forget to think in terms of pure Love or pure Understanding or pure Acceptance... only then WE and nobody else or nothing else will bring us the experience of harm in whatever shape or form.

From the moment we Trust the 100% constructive reason of existence of every single part of Life, we vibrate compatible with every frequency of every single part of Life.

So there is no right or wrong, there is no danger or there are no vibes to be afraid for as long as we bring our own frequency on the non-stop compatible level of pure Love.

So health or harm (or whatever experiences or observations) are experiences and observations WE activate with our own aware and unaware activated body, emotion & mind-related frequencies.

That's why not everybody or every body get sick in sudden area.
That's why not everybody or every body experience the same wealth or healt in seemingly unhealthy zones.

We all react different (a bit or a lot) and so we all vibrate on different frequencies. Therefore we activate and/or attract different reactions or experiences with different frequencies that do not always relate directly compatible to our personal comfort frequency of that specific moment.

Everybody is at any moment responsible for the lack or the present of health or harm.

I can suggest everybody to experience more aware with the constructive character of intentions.
I do guarantee, in the same environment conditions, a lot more health and wealth for those who have more intentions of Love, Trust & Joy then for those who activate lack of believe in the 100% constructive reason of existing for what is the way it is.

Wish You All a very fascinating experience time!

Loads of Love & Laugh vibes are added on my online written believes.
So Yes, for those who are able to believe what I share will experience the amazing benefits of those frequencies. Because frequencies of any kind are available in no-time. Yes also if they where activated from long distance.
Frequencies are like unique codes related to a specific element, observation or experience.  Frequencies never lose their unique code. It's up to us to vibrate on there experience level or not.

Always win the best of the best for every one at the Love-Laugh Side of Life!

With Love & Joy from Europe

Gerda Maria

